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Shahidul Islam Palash

Profile of Shahidul Islam Palash

Personal Information
Name: Shahidul Islam Palash
Date of Birth: 1987-05-04
Father's Name: Hatem Ali
Mother's Name: Shokhe begum
Marrital Status: Married
Religion: Islam
Present Address: House-04, Road no-10, Sector-09, Uttra, Dhaka.
Permanent Area: House-04, Road no-10, Sector-09, Uttra, Dhaka.
Blood Group: B+
Mobile: 01980100353
National ID: 2617239842215
Passport: 2617239842215
Education Informaion
Highest Education Qualification MBA & PGDSCM
Professional Informaion
Profession: Store/Inventory/Material Management (STORE)
Years of Experience 18+
Present Company Sq Group
Previous Company Pretty Group
Job history Youngone Bangladesh
Future Plan RAG Sector