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Tapan debnath

Profile of Tapan debnath

Personal Information
Name: Tapan debnath
Date of Birth: 1970-01-01
Father's Name: Rakhal debnath
Mother's Name: Mokul debnath
Marrital Status: Married
Religion: Hindu
Present Address: Bullding no#168, Mukarba road,Nagor khanpur.
Permanent Area: C/O: Rakhal debnath, Village: Raypur, P/O: Raypur,P/S: Daudkandi, Dist: Cumill.
Blood Group: A-
Mobile: 01997408839
National ID: 5992637397
Passport: NA
Education Informaion
Highest Education Qualification H. S. C
Professional Informaion
Profession: Production (RMG)
Years of Experience 25 year.
Present Company Richman fashion wear ltd.
Previous Company Union Fashion pvt ltd.
Job history 1994 (Manoara Garment ltd.
Future Plan We are Need a big plan at BAGMA with a team is profitable Foundation is our families feedbac.