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Mohammad Abdur Rahman

Profile of Mohammad Abdur Rahman

Personal Information
Name: Mohammad Abdur Rahman
Date of Birth: 1978-07-15
Father's Name: Md.Abdul Ghani
Mother's Name: Rahima Begum
Marrital Status: Married
Religion: Islam
Present Address: Memberbari, Babanipur, Gazipur
Permanent Area: Village : Myzhail , P.o. : Simulia , P.S. : Ahasulia, Sub-dist. : Savar, Dist. : Dhaka-1345.
Blood Group: A+
Mobile: +8801720381121
National ID: 2386230276
Passport: BQ0924579
Education Informaion
Highest Education Qualification MBA
Professional Informaion
Profession: GM/OP/HOO/ED/CEO
Years of Experience 16 Y
Present Company Fashion's Support Ltd. ( Shahadulla Group )
Previous Company Manami Fashion Ltd. ( Centrotex Group)
Job history 01-Feb.-2005. DBL Group
Future Plan Open new buying house.