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Bivuti Hira

Profile of Bivuti Hira

Personal Information
Name: Bivuti Hira
Date of Birth: 1981-07-01
Father's Name: Panchanon Hira
Mother's Name: Ranuka Hira
Marrital Status: Married
Religion: Hindu
Present Address: RRP Garden, B-15/1 (Flat-5B-4th Floor) Shemultala, Jaleswar, Savar, Dhaka
Permanent Area: 574 Hira Bari, Fire Service Road, Bedgram, Gopalganj Sadar, Gopalganj.
Blood Group: A+
Mobile: 01740928970
National ID: 8677496831
Passport: BM0004540
Education Informaion
Highest Education Qualification MSS (Political Science) Dhaka College
Professional Informaion
Profession: Admin/HR/Compliance (HAC)
Years of Experience 13+
Present Company Odyssey Craft (Pvt.) Ltd.
Previous Company Multifabs Limited
Job history 8th March 2009 Envoy Group (RMG)
Future Plan I want to be contributed my skill, experience, knowledge for the RMG sector development through BAGMA.