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Mohammad Shahadat Hossain

Profile of Mohammad Shahadat Hossain

Personal Information
Name: Mohammad Shahadat Hossain
Date of Birth: 1982-01-02
Father's Name: mahammad Anwer Hossain
Mother's Name: Sahida Anwer
Marrital Status: Married
Religion: islam
Present Address: House:19 (samad Garden-1st floor),Block;L, Road: 8, South Banasree,Dhaka
Permanent Area: Holding-216, 9( Joypura Bhuiyan Bari), Vill: Joypura, P/O: Bolora (3720), PS;Ramganj, Dist: Laksmipur.
Blood Group: O+
Mobile: 01711953921
National ID: 19821926714102648
Passport: Bd08837473
Education Informaion
Highest Education Qualification M.Com
Professional Informaion
Profession: Accessorise ,Print , Embroydary
Years of Experience 19
Present Company Renaissance Apparels Ltd
Previous Company Auko-Tex Group
Job history March-2005 (Pantex Dress Ltd)
Future Plan Yes