Personal Information | |
Name: | Md. Shahidul Islam Sarker (Shuvo) |
Date of Birth: | 1979-05-10 |
Father's Name: | Late- Babar Ali Sarker |
Mother's Name: | Mrs. Bahatan Nesa |
Marrital Status: | Married |
Religion: | Islam |
Present Address: | 232, Moktarbari Road, Auch Para,Tongi, Gazipur. |
Permanent Area: | Kisamat Chatnai, Dimla, Nilphamari. |
Blood Group: | AB+ |
Mobile: | +8801712 631422 |
Email: | |
National ID: | +8801712 631422 |
Passport: | +8801712 631422 |
Education Informaion | |
Highest Education Qualification | BSS |
Professional Informaion | |
Profession: | GM/OP/HOO/ED/CEO |
Years of Experience | 20 |
Present Company | Anlima Group |
Previous Company | Renaissance Apparels Ltd. |
Job history | 8/1/2002 DBL Geoup |
About | |
Future Plan | Want to be multinational company CEO. |