Author: A Parvez Labu


What is Lean Manufacturing? 

Lean manufacturing is a systematic methodology to eliminate waste (non-value-added activities) by the continuous improvement which adds value to the customer and surely in manufacturing as well but without hampering productivity. Lean Manufacturing is all about the optimizing processes, eliminating waste; eliminating inventory, building a quality product, more efficient workplace with less cost and human effort. The manufacturing system is work for customer satisfaction and optimization of all resources.

 Benefits of Lean Manufacturing

The benefits and advantages of lean manufacturing will be clearer to you after reading this below mention list:

1. Improve productivity and quality

2. Reducing Work in Process (WIP) inventory.

3. Eliminate waste and problems

4. Reducing inventory area

5. Reduce cycle and lead time

6. Production flow and controlled automation

7. Reduce manpower, time and space

8. Improve visual management

9. Reducing machine downtime

10. Optimize resources

11. Sustainability, employee satisfaction, and increase profit

12. Improve workplace and organize.

13. Improve safety conditions and housekeeping.

14. Increase customer satisfaction and customer service

 Principles of Lean Manufacturing

5 principles of lean manufacturing can be applied in any manufacturing industry.

1. Define Value

2. Map the Value Stream

3. Create Flow

4. Establish Pull

5. Pursue Perfection

 To be continue………………………………………………………………..

 Copyright by

A Parvez (Labu)

AGM CAD & Technical (RMG)

Email: labupervez@gmail.com
